Emergency Medical Technology


This course is designed to instruct a student to the level of Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, formerly the EMT-Ambulance, who serves as a vital link in the chain of the health care team. It is recognized that the majority of prehospital emergency medical care will be provided by the EMT-Basic. This includes all skills necessary for the individual to provide emergency medical care at a basic life support level with an ambulance service or other specialized service.  EMT-Basics provide a service in an environment requiring special skills and knowledge in such areas as communications, transportation, and keeping records. They also serve as liaisons with other emergency services. This course provides an introduction to these concepts. Individual orientation to the specific systems and services with which the EMT-Basic will be affiliated is necessary to achieve a full level of competency.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Part Time
Typical Program Length 4 Months
Clock Hours 300
Class Type Night
Credentials Certificate
Total Tuition/Fees $1,871.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $597.21

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Emergency Medical Technician300Certificate

Campus Locations

Main Campus
3070 Hwy 64
PO Box 89
Crump, TN 38327


First Trimester: 
EMT0001 Worker Characteristic
EMT1015 Basic EMT Theory
EMT1025 Basic EMT Skills Lab
EMT1035 Basic EMT Clinicals
EMT1045 EMT First Responder


Basic Emergency Medical Technician

Books and Supplies Lists


Jay Burks
Jay Burks

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